Overview: In spring/summer 2022, the Baltimore Summer Funding Collaborative (SFC) is excited to offer a robust menu of meaningful professional development (PD) opportunities for youth-serving organizations funded by the SFC. The SFC is seeking qualified providers to facilitate professional development presentations on the topics identified in the full 2022 Professional Development Request. Essential information for all providers:
All sessions will take place between May 1st and July 15th, 2022, via Zoom, another virtual meeting platform, or in-person
Sessions will be spread across different times throughout the week (including evenings and weekends) to make the sessions as accessible as possible for participants
Providers will administer an exit survey (provided by the SFC) after each session for feedback about the presentation and share a report with the SFC
Providers will share a final report with attendee info, attendee survey results, and consultant recommendations for next year at contract close
Professional development providers will engage in a brief (20 minute) conversation/session with the SFC Senior Program Manager to discuss their session outline OR may send an outline and/or presentation via email at least 3 business days in advance of each session
Please read the full2022 Professional Development Request.This document includes additional information about our PD needs and outlines expectations for providers.
Submission Guidelines: To be considered as a professional development provider for spring/summer 2022, please complete a brief Formstack application. The application will ask you to submit the following information:
Name, Business Name (if applicable), Contact information
Availability between May 1-July 15, 2022
Sessions of interest
For each session selected, providers will be asked to share a brief (max 500 characters) description of their desired result(s) and facilitation plan, as well as the anticipated cost of the session
A CV, resume, or brief biography of the primary facilitators
Two references
Optional: One page scope-of-work or description of prior experience with PD facilitation
Please read the full 2022 Professional Development Request before completing the Formstack application. Submissions will be considered on a rolling basis until 5:00 PM on Friday, June 3rd. The SFC will prioritize submissions received by 5:00 PM on Friday, May 13th.
Please email rfps (at) baltimorespromise.org with any questions.