Thank you for your interest in the Baltimore Summer Funding Collaborative's (SFC) Process Evaluation & Equity Audit. Below, you will find additional information about the RFP, including a recorded information session and accompanying presentation.
Substantive questions will be answered and uploaded to this webpage until 5:00 PM on Thursday, May 6th.
RFP Info session presentation
Click here to watch a video replay of the information session and Q&A section.
Click here to view the PowerPoint presentation from the info session.
How does this project relate to the existing and future evaluation work of the SFC? This Process Evaluation and Equity Audit will be the first time that the SFC has systematically evaluated its outcomes since its founding in 2015. We anticipate that the results from this evaluation will shape future process changes and provide benchmarks for ongoing assessment and evolution of the SFC.
How many current/former sites are supported by the SFC? This year, the SFC funded 87 unique programs. Please view our By The Numbers resource documenting funding information from previous years.
How many sites are expected to participate in the evaluation? The stakeholders involved in the evaluation will be selected and recruited by the evaluator or evaluation team, with guidance from the SFC and Baltimore’s Promise. The SFC expects that a representative sample of stakeholders, including former SFC applicants and grantees, will be engaged in the evaluation process.
What data will you be collecting for the evaluation process? The SFC will provide application data from the past five years, including which organizations applied, which were funded, and in what amounts. We will also provide de-identified information disaggregated by age, race, gender, school, and program attendance for youth and young adult program participants. We will also provide a logic model that illustrates the SFC’s activities and expected outcomes.
Are there specific groups of stakeholders, including youth and/or community members that you would like to be encompassed by the equity audit? Are there specific disparities in access and outcomes that you want to know more about? The SFC hopes that the data analysis will be used to identify who the SFC is supporting through its grantmaking process, and whether resources are being equitably distributed.
Is analysis of the data something the evaluator should plan for in their proposal, or will the analysis be completed by the SFC and given to the evaluator to use? The evaluator will be responsible for analyzing application data compiled in advance by the SFC, in addition to the stakeholder interviews that they conduct.
Do you have student outcomes data? Grantees report on their collective outcomes for young people in their programs, but the most quantitative information we have is our attendance data. We also have some youth feedback data.
Should young people be part of the focus groups? Since the focus of the evaluation is the programs funded by the SFC, and not explicitly student outcomes, there may be some opportunity for youth engagement to learn about their experience in summer programs.
Where can I find the SFC’s equity lens? The SFC’s definition of equity is stated in the RFP for this project. Baltimore’s Promise’s equity lens can be found here.
Who was involved in developing the SFC’s racial equity commitments? These commitments were developed internally by the SFC.